Movie Review: April and the Extraordinary World.
Movie: April and the Extraordinary World. Genere: Animation, Steampunk, SciFi. Synopsis: The story is about an alt-history earth in which the technology has not passed the 18th century in steam-powered engineering. After Napoilon the 3rd is killed in an acident, the worlds leading minds are abucted. As such that there was no progress in technology, France still under Napolionic rule started aresting scientest and forcing them to work on weapons of war. Cut to the 1930s and you have April the daughter a family of chemist working on the ultimet serum that could help end sickness and even death. Add in some talking lizards, a talking cat and lots of chasing and crashes. With the lovable animation stlye close to (but not the same as) Tintin and you got your self a wonderful adventure for the whole family. Style: Western animation style, is not a lost art here. As most have at one point assimulated the Japanese Anime style for a time then had a change and went with more of...