Book Review: The Root
Title: The Root: A Nove of the Wrath & Athenaeum Author: Na' Amen Gobert Tilahun Genre: Urban, Modern Fantasy Synopsis: This story takes place in two different realms Zebub and San Francisco, there is something going on in both areas. Hungering Darkness waiting to devour all creation is attacking the Zebub where we find Lil a holder apprentice, in San Francisco, we find Erik a former child star with a scandal that ended his acting career. Both find out about the power they have hidden in them and how they act to take on this darkness. Review: This is a great book, I really enjoyed how the author used each chapter to use a character's voice and POV for what was going on, I am reminded of Theodora Goss' The Alchemist Daughter in some ways of this. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a good story with well-rounded characters that are not flat. I enjoy books that have great characters and the antagonists in this book are ju...