Stuck on what to write

Well the hardest thing about writing a blog is picking a topic(s) to write about.
Or I could just rant on and on about how poorly our government has been run and tainted by greed and just plain egos that are way to inflated for their and our own good. I think at times monkeys would do a better job.

well enough of the cynicism, for a lighter side of things a world sporting event started off last night (I missed it do to work). The Start of the Winter Olympics.
In the spirit of good sportsmanship and good will to all men and women that are representing their nations. Godspeed to them all.

Now on the the topic on every environmentalist agenda.
Why can't we as Americans look at this in a positive light and try to improve our environment and our life-stiles? Why are we so hooked on petrol? In over 100yrs since the internal combustion engine was first made very little has been truly improved upon. Sure we get better gas mileage, but ever happened to those sci-fi movies with the cars that did not need gas to run off of?

Well that is all I have to rant about this time, remember this is my opinion if you don't like it, go read something else.

Jack of Spades.


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