Happy Halloween
There is one movie that I watch every hallows eve, one film that brings this night to a close. The one and only Rocky Horror Picture Show. Ever so much a campy musical with a plot that makes the Killer Tomatoes feel less cheesy, but lord knows, God does he knows how much I love it. This past Halloween I could not find the classic this year but happened upon a happy remastering of this beloved cult classic. I am talking about the 2016 TV remake of The Rocky Horror Picture show, and to my absolute surprise, joy and pleasure. It was really good, the music, the dancing and who could forget Ms. Cox rendition of Dr. Frankfurter (Yes I know that is a sausage). It Thrilled me and chilled me, and shivered in an......tic....i....pation for every scene. Though who did it best, was it Cury or Cox? I have said it before nothing beats Tim Curry in Drag save for Ms. Cox. Of course, there are hidden homages to the classic. If you find them, you will be rewarded, but only if you watched the...
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