D&D 5e The story thus far Part 1: introductions

// A side note, this is a story from the campaign a friend is DMing and I am a player therein.
Lilith a Lvl 5 Rouge (NPC)
Raiden a Lvl 4 Druid (PC)
Ken a Lvl 4 Monk (PC)
Aldia a Lvl 4 Ranger (PC)


Raiden was from a prominent tribe of Dragon Born from the Northen Kingdoms on the Hellstine Content. There she trained to be a warrior that is until one of the rival tribes attacked and removed her tribe from power, almost wiping them out. Now on the run, fighting for survival she ran across a circle of Druids. Wounded and at the brink of death she had a vision from the gods of nature that she would be a druid. There she studied the Druidic arts from the Circle of the Moon, now she is looking for any survivors of her clan. During such adventures, she ran across Ken as their goals are about the same and thus they became allies in a world that is out to get them.

Ken (one of my characters) the son of a noble and an elf. His father came from a well to do noble family, during the time adventuring he fell in love with an Elven druid, but it was not meant to be as his family arranged a marriage to another noble house when he came back from the war. Torn between his duties to his family and the woman he loves, it was then that his mother from the Silvermoon clan of Wood Elves knew she was with child. The noble house found out about this and sent assassins to kill her so her children could not claim an inheritance, after defeating them she kept on the run and gave birth to twins a boy and a girl, she left her son at a temple of monks in the North Western Mountains. There Ken grew and learned the way of the 4 elements, this was due to his elven blood. He left the monastery where he grew up to find challenges and to find his family the only clues he has is the signet ring from his father and the Silvermoon crest of his mother. He has made a living being a healer and helping villages fight off monsters with the skills he learned growing up. When a small village was attacked he came to their aid and met Raiden.

Aldia (the 2nd character of mine) the daughter of a noble and an elf. Like Ken, she is the daughter of a Noble and an Elf. She was left in the care of her mother's family. Growing up Half-Elf in an Evlan Village was harsh, her grandfather took to her care and taught her the ways of a ranger, her keen ability with martial weapons and the bow made it ever clear that the way of a ranger was her calling, she is a natural Hunter. It was after her 20th birthday that her grandfather told her of her mother and that she has a brother. After hearing this she left to find him and to welcome him into the clan and family that he did not know. She has the Silvermoon Crest and the Crest of House Archlight.

Ken and Raiden are marked due to issues within their respective houses. Raiden due to the issues with the ruling clan and Ken due to the succession of Duke Archlight.

Lilith is filled with mystery and is very hesitant to trust anyone. She is the DM's character and is key to the plot of the game.

The next post will be about the Start of the story and their Stats and the PCs except Aldia Started at Level 3 as Aldia did not join until Chapter 2.


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