TV/Netflix Review: Voltron Reboot.

Voltron was the main icon of my youth and at first, I was excited about the reboot. Season One was not the best and it really made a bad impression on me so much that I did not even know that they made other seasons. It was the BEST thing to happen Season Two really shown what made Voltron one of the best Reboots to come out in a very long time. I am glad that I binged it all to the most current Season Seven. This gave me time to enjoy the great animation as well as the sweet sweet synth-wave soundtrack in the background.

Season Two made up for the first season it was more story driven by the characters themselves and it showed how they are growing as individuals as well as a team. This continued throughout the other seasons. There are some tributes in the show that break up the tension like in Season 6 EP 4 where they basically play D&D and I LOVED IT. Then in Season 7 Ep 4 with a homage to Family Fude that you just have to watch.

Now the trailer to Season seven had some people in the LGBTQ community excited about Shiro's love life, but when they released Season Seven, there was some anger. *SPOILER ALERT* Yes they did kill the lover off, but this was more to do with the Admiral's hard-headed approach to leadership. Had she listen to the wise counsel of the person who knew the enemy then yes, he would still be alive. Leadership is about listening to your subordinates, heck if she had told the world while they were building the advanced weapons to defend Earth then a lot of lives could have been spared. Though he could still find love out there in the stars. Yes I did spoil something okay, I know I hate to have spoiled it but with all the bury your gays going on in the Twitter-verse, I had to throw in my input into this matter.

All and all it is a great Reboot, can't wait for season 8 and the She Ra reboot. Now going to be watching Disenchanted.

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