Title: Nevernight Author: Jay Kristoff At first, I had no idea what kind of adventure this book would bring. Though to my surprise, this was one of the best assassins fantasy novels I have read that was not YA. Though the character Mia Covair and Celina from the Assassins Blade are the same age, that thought is for another post. The Story of Mia is a sad one, her father hung for treason. Her mother and infant brother tossed in a hellish prison, and she her self is lost and wandering in the dangerous slums of Godsgrave. There she finds her mentor and teacher in the art of assassination and is then thrust into the teachings of the Red Church an order of assassins who are feared in all the known reaches of that world. This book has its humorous points with witty banter, that tempers this dark world (metaphorically due to the world having 3 Suns). The lore that was part of the world building made it very alive and the other characters were well rounded and had more to...